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8 Ways a Humidifier Will Improve Your Life (and How to Choose the Right One For You)


It’s no secret the weather in Kansas City has its ups and downs. In the summer, we run to the pool to escape the humidity. But by the time the winter rolls around, the humidity level in most KC homes is under 20 percent. This is too dry for people, pets, plants, and woodwork, and can make winter feel even longer than it already is. Installing a humidifier directly into your heating and cooling system will give you just the right amount of moisture in your home.

Why Should I Get a humidifier?
Taking Care of Your Wood Floors

As a law of nature, wood expands and contracts with humidity. Squeaky floors are a clear sign of low humidity in your house. Are you tiptoeing around during nap time, or seeing splits in the floorboards? Installing a humidifier will drastically improve the life of your floors.

Taking Care of Your Family

Dry skin and itchy eyes are common during the winter, but they don’t need to be. Dry air in your home can also irritate nasal passages, causing a bloody nose and itchy throat, and can encourage viruses like the common cold. No one needs another reason to be sick! Raising humidity levels in your home will alleviate these symptoms and give your body a chance to rest and rejuvenate.

Dry Air Costs More

Dry air just doesn’t feel as warm as air with some humidity in it. If you have very low humidity, your home will feel several degrees cooler than the temperature you have chosen on your thermostat. Increasing the relative humidity instantly helps your home feel warmer without even turning up the heat. This can mean significant energy savings for you.

Easy Install and Maintenance

We install humidifiers directly into your heating and cooling system. Humidifiers add water vapor into your ductwork, and then your ventilation system sends that moistened air throughout your home. In addition, your thermostat settings give you custom control to keep humidity levels just right for your family.

How will a humidifier improve my life?

Dry air can wreak havoc on your home and your body. Installing a whole home humidifier can significantly improve your quality of life in 8 ways:

Ease Congestion

Dry, winter air dries out your sinuses, lowering your resistance to viruses and germs and causing mucus to become thick and dry. Your nose is working hard to warm the air before it passes into your respiratory system. Using a humidifier helps your nose do its job, passing moist air through your system. Humidified air will keep allergies, congestion, and colds away.

Reduce Allergies

As the humidifiers clear your system of congestion, your body becomes stronger and more capable of fighting allergies. Dry air irritants are weakened with moisture, making the air in your home less susceptible to allergens.

Stay Healthy

High humidity levels can dramatically lower the risk of contracting viruses. Humidity kills virus particles, while dry air harbors and transports them. To create a healthy and virus-free home during the winter, install a humidifier.

Healthy Houseplants

House plants have proven to detoxify indoor air as well as increase happiness in the winter months. But plants need water to survive–both from the soil and from the air. If the air is too dry, plants will dry out and wilt, (just like our skin and hair). Plants prefer a humidity level of 40%, which can only be achieved year round through a humidifier.

Save Money on Energy Bills

Humidity makes the air in your home feel warmer. If your home has low humidity, 70 can feel like 65. Adding humidity to your air allows you to keep the thermostat on a lower setting without compromising your comfort.

Protect Hardwoods floors and Wood Furniture

Wood expands and contracts with temperature and moisture, so it’s not surprise wood cracks during the cold, dry, winter months. Have you noticed cracks on furniture or creaky floorboards? This is due to a lack of moisture in the air. By adding humidity, woodwork and hardwood floors will last much longer.

Improve Sleep 

Installing a humidifier not only creates a warm, comfortable environment–it also reduces snoring. Snoring is louder and more frequent when the air is dry; a moist environment can reduce snoring symptoms. Raising humidity levels in your home can also reduce the risk of scratchy throats, headaches, and dry noses, helping you sleep sounder.

Prevent Dry Skin

Have you noticed your skin cracking or increased dandruff? Skin relies on moisture to stay flexible and healthy. A humidifier will keep your skin soft and healthy, and can counteract signs of aging.

Choosing the Right Humidifier For You

There are two basic types of whole house humidifiers: bypass and steam.


A bypass humidifier are best in smaller homes and provide basic humidity control. Typically, they only turn on when your furnace turns on. This means the air will only be humidified if there is a call for heat. As an affordable option, a bypass humidifier can take the edge off. We recommend an April Air Bypass Humidifier, which we will order and install for you.


Steam humidifiers are for medium to larger sized homes, and provide advanced humidity control. They are designed to put up to 24 gallons of water into your home a day. Steam humidifiers are recommended when customers have specific humidification needs, like hardwood floors or sinus issues. An April Air steam humidifier is the leading product in indoor air products, and will get your home warm and comfortable in no time.

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