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Getting Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

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Summer is almost on its way and while you are off planning a packing list for a summer vacation, you should also be thinking about the summer checklist for your air conditioner. Here is what should be done before the air conditioner starts running this summer.

  • Clean out the air filter. Your air conditioner probably shares ductwork with your furnace, which means that it also shares a filter. After a long, hard winter it is important to clean out the filter so that it is clean and ready to go for the air conditioner.
  • Change the damper on your furnace to “summer.”
  • If you have humidity control on your thermostat or a humidistat, you can switch the humidity from 35% to 0% because during the summer the air will no longer be so dry.
    Rinse off the condenser unit, the outside portion of the air conditioner, with a hose set to “fine spray.” Rinse it from the top down to get rid of any remains that may have built up throughout the winter.
  • At least 24 hours before you begin to use the air conditioner for the first time, the disconnect should be turned on. Consequently, keep an eye on the weather so you can make sure the air conditioner is ready when you need it to be!

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact A.B. May! Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the summer.

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