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6 Ways To Reduce Allergens At Home

Ahhh, springtime–the perfect time to open up your windows, let the warm breeze in, admire your beautiful tree blooming and start, uhh, sneezing?! Suffering from asthma or allergies is no joke. While outdoor triggers are beyond your control, you can take a stance on reducing the allergens found in your home, by following these preventative measures.

Keep Allergens At the Door: The best way to keep these pesky allergens out of your home is by placing two mats by the front door–one outside and one right when you walk in. Wiping your feet twice is helpful in preventing the spread of allergens indoors. While this is effective, removing your shoes at the door is ultimately the best way to keep them at bay.

Remove Wall To Wall Carpeting: You’ve heard it time and time again that carpet traps dust, pollen, dirt and pet dander. When you walk across the carpet, it then re-releases the allergens into the home, causing you to get sick. An ideal solution is to replace carpets with hardwood or other impervious flooring, especially in the bedroom.

Upgrade Your Vacuum: We just mentioned how hardwood flooring is best in reducing home allergens–and while we stand by that, we recognize that replacing your carpet is not always an option for everyone. Making sure that your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter, which are made to trap extremely tiny particles,will greatly reduce these allergens.

Remember to Change Your Air Filters: We can’t stress enough how important proper maintenance of your HVAC system is. Routine air filter replacement will not only keep your units working more efficiently, but will also benefit your health. Mold spores, dust and other allergens live in these air filters, and throwing them away will avoid them being re-released into the air around you.

Minimize Mold: Mold loves to live in your bathroom and is extremely dangerous to your health! It’s vital to regularly clean your bathrooms to avoid the spread of these spores. Make sure to dry off surfaces that retain water and that you have proper ventilation in your bathroom.

Invest In an Air Purifier: Air quality easily ranks among the most influential factors of our health, and the best way to keep the air in your home clean is by investing in an air purifier. According to the EPA, indoor air is often five times more polluted than outdoor air! Products like the Air Scrubber Plus or a whole house air purifier from Platinum IAQ can help destroy about 90% of airborne contaminants, making the air in your home fresh and safer to breathe in!

Are your allergies getting in the way of your daily comfort? An air purifier might be just what you need! A.B. May has a team of experts who focus on improving the indoor air quality of your home. Whether it be installing an air purification system, scheduling maintenance on your HVAC filters or cleaning your air ducts, our air quality specialists will come right to your door to evaluate your home’s needs. To learn more about the services we offer, visit us on Facebook, or give us a call at 913-383-3100 to schedule service today!

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